Episode 89: Meet the Team: Ms. Jaime

Episode 89: Meet the Team: Ms. Jaime

Date of Publication/发布日期
September 30, 2022
Files & media
Volume 3 2022-2023

Dear Parents,

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with your children as they navigate high school and plan for their futures beyond BIPH. Having served in a variety of educational roles within the Middle/High School setting in the United States of America, Europe, and Southeast Asia for the past 20 years, I have gained extensive knowledge and experience that enables me to confidently guide my students through the college search and application process.

Over the years, I have maintained the philosophy that it is the relationship between teacher/mentor/counselor and student that facilitates learning and prompts positive growth and development. While knowledge is fundamental to educational professionals, I believe that character, and the desire to be of service, are of equal importance.

The most fulfilling aspects of my role as college counselor is the interaction I have with my students- getting to know them individually and learning from them, as they learn from me. Through the relationships we develop, I demonstrate that we are all lifelong learners who benefit from being open to growth and development at all stages in life.

In past counseling roles, working with graduating classes of 160 -180 students per year meant navigating the university search and application process for multiple education systems, allowing me to become well versed in application systems worldwide. Each year I managed a caseload of 50-60 seniors seeking admissions to Ivy league & highly selective US institutions. All students in my caseload simultaneously applied to high-ranking institutions within the UK and continental Europe (and other locations). Such dynamics demanded an organized, efficient, and comprehensive approach, and facilitated my understanding of how to skillfully guide students in all facets of their process.

Drawing on my social emotional counseling background, I create an engaging environment that fosters awareness of higher education options, highlighting the importance of self-reflection and analysis in identifying personal qualities and transferable skills. Aiding students in brainstorming unique essay topics, I have edited hundreds of essays, and provided constructive feedback, prompting growth. Highly individualized and relevant advice allows my students to continue meaningful personal development, serving to solidify their motivations behind making meaningful university or course choices.

It is my authentic concern for student well-being, and commitment to encouraging positive growth and development, combined with my professional experiences and educational background that allow me to successfully guide students through what is typically considered a stressful and overwhelming process.

As each high school presents its own set of dynamics, I am excited to continue expanding my knowledge, and eager to apply my skills and positive, growth-oriented mindset to serve you and your children.

All the best,

Ms. Jaime Lynn Pindur