Episode 61: And Now, We Wait

Episode 61: And Now, We Wait

Date of Publication/发布日期
January 8, 2022
Curtis Westbay
Files & media
Volume 2 2021-2022






















This is always the most difficult part of the college application. From early January until (typically) April or May, students wait to hear back from their regular decision schools. In the meantime, students will hear back from any outstanding early round applications (often in late January), attend classes, and (for some students) prepare for Senior Projects.

The hard part is over. Honestly, the hard part has been over for a while. While completing college applications is a stressful terminus in college preparation, our students have been working hard for this moment for years. The results will come: excellent college acceptances are on the horizon.

This application cycle has seen unprecedented competition among the most highly selective colleges and universities. There’s no sugarcoating it: for our market, college admission is more competitive than ever, and more competitive than for any students anywhere else. But that’s okay. Our students are up to that impossible challenge.

As we wait for results, we should take time to laud this inaugural graduating class for the efforts that have brought them here. It would have been challenging enough even with role models who came before them, older students to emulate; but the Class of 2022 never had older students to look up to. They have taken on the challenge of this school— not only an academic challenge, but also the challenge of building a brand new school culture as leaders. Whatever college acceptances they earn will make me exceedingly proud, but not nearly as proud as I am to see what they’ve already done. College acceptances are, to a great extent, random. The true triumph lies in the effort that our students have put forth. Colleges acceptances are out of our control; we can only control the habits we maintain every day.

So now, we wait. It needs to be said— the school will update our community on the great results our students have earned when it is the right time. During this stressful time, the best thing you can do for our seniors is give them space and not inquire about their acceptances frequently. If nearly a decade in college admission is any guide, when there is good news, students will make sure we— and you all— know about it. Our students have worked so hard for this moment and, unfair as it is, there is nothing they can do now but wait. As we wait with them, I ask that you be supportive, understanding, and gentle.

Go Sea Dragons!