Episode 41: Optimism Month: Look How Far We've Come

Episode 41: Optimism Month: Look How Far We've Come

Date of Publication/发布日期
June 11, 2021
Curtis Westbay
Files & media
Volume 1 2020-2021

This year...

  • BIPH made it through a pandemic and never stopped learning.
  • We had students win academic competitions, debate tournaments, and athletic events.
  • Our students worked incredibly hard in their classes and at their activities— think of all the hours of study our students engaged in!
  • BIPH teachers connected with their students to form meaningful relationships which extend beyond the four walls of the classroom.
  • Sea Dragons on our campus have cared for one another and made this place a home away from home.
  • Our first graduate gained college admission to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
We know that our students and their parents set high goals for themselves, but it's good to take time to reflect on the returns of our hard work. Next week will be our final blog post of the 2020-2021 school year. Well done on another great year, Sea Dragons!