Episode 136: Authenticity in College Applications

Episode 136: Authenticity in College Applications

Date of Publication/发布日期
May 31, 2024
Files & media
Volume 4 2023-2024

The undergraduate university application is not solely about sharing a GPA, course selections, standardized test scores and overall academic merit with universities.  As you may have heard us mention many times before, while ‘numbers’ are the first items that will enable the Admissions Officer to continue reading an application, it is what the student shares beyond their scores that will inspire an AO to proceed in reviewing a candidate.

It is vital that students take the time to craft authentic, meaningful and personal essays. But even then, how can the AO trust that the applicant is who they say they are?  Teacher and Counselor recommendation letters help, but it is still a challenge for universities to have confidence that the words and messages in the essays are genuine representations of the applicant.  Authenticity has always been a factor in university applications, and it is becoming increasingly more important with the use of technology and AI. How then, can a student stand out from hundreds of applicants? Everyone has great grades and extracurricular activities, so how do they make themselves memorable?

Admissions officers are looking for the real person behind the numbers, someone who will not only thrive academically but also contribute meaningfully to the campus community. This is where your child can truly stand out!

One way they can stand out in an application is to use visuals. Visuals can help them tell their stories in a more engaging way. The more engaged the reader, the more memorable the applicant becomes.

Essays are a cornerstone of the application process, but how can admissions officers truly know if the words on paper reflect the person behind them?

  • Unlock the Power of Video Interviews: Platforms like InitialView or Vericant allow your child to record unscripted interviews. This isn't about memorizing answers or reciting a script. These interviews are a chance to showcase their personality, communication skills, and genuine passion. They can talk about their academic goals, extracurricular experiences, and anything that makes them unique. Remember, admissions officers are looking for students with a spark, and a video interview allows them to see your child's personality come alive.
  • Show, Don't Just Tell: Does your child have a passion for art, photography, or design? Maybe they've created music or written poetry. Visual portfolios are a fantastic way to showcase their creative talents! This allows admissions officers to see their artistic vision and dedication beyond the written word. Beyond art, they should share photos or videos of themselves engaged in meaningful activities.
  • Make a Great First Impression: Introduction videos can be a powerful tool. Here, your son/daughter can introduce themselves in a way that's both informative and engaging. They can talk about their interests, goals, and what excites them about a particular university. This is their chance to connect with admissions officers on a more personal level, making their application more memorable.
  • Centralize Everything & Explore Additional Options: Platforms like Zeemee offer a one-stop shop for application materials. However, there might be other platforms or tools that better suit your child's needs. Encourage them to explore their options – some universities might have their own preferred platform for submitting portfolios or videos.

Beyond the Tips:

  • Authenticity is Key: This cannot be stressed enough! Encourage your child to be themselves! Admissions officers can spot a phony a mile away.
  • Passion Makes a Difference: Help them highlight their true passions. This shows them as well-rounded individuals with genuine interests and a desire to learn and grow.
  • Specificity is Powerful: Don't just list activities. Let them talk about their contributions, accomplishments, and what they learned from each experience. Did they hold a leadership position? Did they win an award for their work? Share these details!
  • Proofreading Matters: Typos and grammatical errors can hurt. Encourage them to carefully proofread everything before submitting their application materials.

By adding these creative touches and showcasing your child's true personality, their college applications will shine! Remember, this is a journey, not just a destination. Work with your child to help them create an application that truly reflects their unique potential. Good luck!