Episode 132: What Are US Universities Looking For In An Applicant?

Episode 132: What Are US Universities Looking For In An Applicant?

Date of Publication/发布日期
April 12, 2024
Files & media
Volume 4 2023-2024

What Are US Universities Looking for in an Applicant?

To answer this question, we need to first address numbers. Numbers (Scores!) open doors. GPA, SAT, TOEFL…these are the first items looked at when admissions officers (AO) are reviewing an application. 99% of US universities do not have a ‘minimum’ GPA requirement (UC’s are the exception!) BUT, they do have a target GPA range. Once the AO’s are satisfied that the students ‘numbers’ are in their target range, they will continue to review the application - thus, the ‘numbers/scores’ have opened the door. Once the door has been opened, there are other factors which will enable the student to walk into the room (gain admission!).

Does your son or daughter dream of effecting positive change?

Imagine a world with cities that are friendly to the environment, fair for everyone, and welcoming to all backgrounds. That's the kind of future many universities are working towards, and they're looking for students who share this vision! This is more and more evident when we look closely at university/college applications and their mandatory writing requirement topics.

Building the future, one student at a time

Colleges in the USA aren't only about helping students obtain employment (although that's important too). Higher education in the US is also concerned with helping students find their passion and develop transferable skills to make a real impact in their chosen areas of interest. This means that when admissions officers are reviewing applications, they are doing so with an eye on the future. They are asking themselves, which of these students demonstrates intellectual curiosity and the motivation to address big ideas that can improve the lives of everyone on the globe?

What are colleges looking for in your children's applications?

  • Authenticity! This is their chance to tell their story. Who are they? What are they truly interested in? What are their hobbies and dreams? They should not be afraid to share their unique experiences, whether it's a part-time job, a volunteer project, or even amazing baking skills!
  • Show, don't tell. Colleges want to see evidence of their passions. Are they part of a club or do they participate in study groups? How do they express creativity?
  • How do they engage with the world? Are they a natural leader or a great team player? Do they have a thirst for knowledge or a desire to help others? Talk about the qualities they bring to the table.
  • Why are they choosing this college/this major? They should research different universities and find one that aligns with their genuine Colleges want to know why they would be a good fit for their program.

Being shy is okay!

Even the quietest voices can make a big impact. The application is the chance to showcase talents and aspirations. If public speaking isn't their forte, they can highlight writing skills or ability to work independently.

What can they offer the professors in their classes, their peers, or even the community beyond their campus?

Colleges love students who get involved! Could they offer a workshop on a skill they have mastered or introduce classmates to their culture? Could they work with underprivileged students in local public schools near their campus?

How will the university help them grow?

Think about how the university's programs and resources can help them achieve their goals. Do they offer courses that align with their interests? Do they have strong research programs or study abroad opportunities? Universities want students who really want THEM.  They must have genuine reasons behind their motivation to submit an application!

Remember: Every university is different! They need to take time to research different colleges and find the one that feels like the perfect fit for them.