Episode 118: High School as A Meaningful Experience - Creating Pathways

Episode 118: High School as A Meaningful Experience - Creating Pathways

Date of Publication/发布日期
November 10, 2023
Iain McClinton
Files & media
Volume 4 2023-2024

How We Develop Transferable Skills in High School

At BIPH we are committed to providing students with a world-class education that will prepare them for success in their future careers, but how does the job market define success? We all know that true achievers have more than simply good grades.

In addition to academic excellence, our school also emphasizes the importance of developing transferable skills. These are skills that can be applied to a variety of situations in college, university and eventually the workplace, so they are extremely valuable.

Transferable skills are the foundation for success in any career. They are the skills that you can apply to any job, regardless of your specific field of study. These skills are important because they allow you to adapt to new situations and challenges, and they make you more marketable to potential employers.

There are many ways to develop transferable skills in high school. Here are a few ideas:

  1. By consciously taking a wide variety of classes, students will be exposed to multiple subject areas, a variety of ways of thinking, and the personalities of many different teachers. This approach helps them to develop communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
  2. By getting involved in extracurricular activities, students develop teamwork, leadership, and time management skills. There are many types of extracurricular activities to choose from, so students should always seek out the activity that best aligns with their interests.
  3. By volunteering their time, students can give back to their community and develop interpersonal skills. Volunteering can take many forms such as working at a local hospital, school, or charitable organization.
  4. By getting a part-time job, students will develop a strong work ethic, communication, and customer service skills.
  5. By doing an internship, students will gain real-world experience in a chosen field. Internships, when closely aligned with the student’s desired career, can also help them to develop a professional network.
  6. By utilizing MOOCs, students can take advantage of free and low-cost online courses that can help them to develop transferable skills.
  7. By actively reading books and articles, students develop critical thinking and communication skills. It can also help them to learn about unfamiliar cultures and perspectives.
  8. By talking to people in their field of interest, students will gain insight into how to develop the skills needed to be successful in a distinct profession.
  9. By being proactive, students learn more and enjoy the learning process more than when waiting around for opportunities to come to them. Seek out opportunities to learn and grow.
  10. By being persistent, students learn the value of commitment and continuity. It takes time and effort to develop transferable skills.

In addition to the specific skills mentioned above, here are some general transferable skills that are important for success in any career:

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Time management
  • Organization
  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Initiative
  • Motivation
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-awareness
  • Emotional intelligence

By developing these transferable skills in high school, students will be better prepared for success in any career they choose, and, most importantly at this stage in their lives, better able to reflect in their college application essays on their achievements, challenges, and the overcoming of failures.