Episode 117: Making the Most of MOOCS

Episode 117: Making the Most of MOOCS

Date of Publication/发布日期
November 3, 2023
Iain McClinton
Files & media
Volume 4 2023-2024

What is a MOOC?

A MOOC, or massive open online course, is a free web-based course that anyone can take. MOOCs are typically less structured than college courses, but they can offer certification and enhance college applications or further studies in areas that a student is particularly passionate about.

How do MOOCs work?

MOOCs typically consist of video lectures, readings, problem sets, quizzes, and exams. Students can also interact with each other via forums.

Finding MOOCs

There are many different MOOC providers, including universities, corporations, and nonprofits. To find a MOOC, you can search online or use a platform like Coursera, EdX, or Udacity.

MOOC costs, enrolment, and pacing

Some MOOCs are free, while others charge a fee. Some MOOCs are self-paced, while others follow a set schedule. Online degree programs that contain a bundle of MOOCs can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Benefits of MOOCs

  • They are free or affordable.
  • They are flexible and can be taken at your own pace.
  • They offer a wide variety of topics to choose from.
  • They can help you learn new skills and advance in areas of specialized interest.
  • They can help students supplement their classroom learning or explore new topics of interest.
  • They can also help students prepare for standardized tests or college applications.

Drawbacks of MOOCs

  • They can be less structured than college courses.
  • They may not offer academic credit.
  • They can be difficult to complete, especially if you are not self-motivated.

Overall, MOOCs are a great way to learn new skills and advance your career. However, it is important to choose the right MOOC for you and to be realistic about your expectations. A student should always consult with his/her college counselor for advice on what is best for them in terms of MOOCs and other learning options beyond the high school curriculum.


Harvard University Free Courses


Open Yale Courses

Oxford Online Courses



